Regarding layout: Do not mix basic principles of layout with applications of layouts eg how the basic principles are applied in different areas as retail, warehouse etc.
Marks of a good production plant layout
1. Planned activity interrelationships
2. Planned materials flow pattern
3. Straight-line flow
4. Minimum backtracking
5. Auxiliary flow lines
6. Straight aisles
7. Minimum handling between operations
8. Planned materials-handling methods
9. Minimum handling distances
10. Processing combined with materials handling
11. Movement progresses from receiving toward shipping
12. First operations near receiving
13. Last operations near shipping
14. Point-of-use storage where appropriate
15. Layout adaptable to changing conditions
16. Planned for orderly expansion
17. Minimum goods in process
18. Minimum materials in process
19. Maximum use of all plant levels
20. Adequate storage space
21. Adequate spacing between facilities
22. Building constructed around planned layout
23. Materials delivered to employees and removed from work areas
24. Minimum walking by production operators
25. Proper locations of production and employee service facilities
26. Mechanical handling installed where practicable
27. Adequate employee service functions
28. Planned control of noise, dirt, fumes, dust, humidity, etc.
29. Maximum processing time to overall production time
30. Minimum manual handling
31. Minimum re-handling
32. Partitions don't impede material flow
33. Minimum handling by direct labour
34. Planned scrap removal
35. Receiving and shipping in logical locations
Source; James m. Apple. Plant layout and Materials handling. 3d ed.. pp. 18-19. Copyright © 1977 by John Wiley &. Sons, Inc.